Social & Wellbeing Events
Toronto Pflag has provided support meetings and educational workshops for years. What if you no longer need support, and would still like to spend some time with other LGBTQ2S+ families? To meet this need, and have some fun, we are introducing a new program of Social and Wellbeing Events!
Bowling With PFLAG!
Join old friends and meet new people at a fun bowling event at The Ballroom. Update: We had 56 people come out and it was great to see volunteers, meeting attendees, present and past board members, and their families all having a strikingly great time!
Gender Revolution Movie Screening
The inaugural event in Toronto Pflag's new Social & Well-being Series of quarterly events was a dinner, screening, and discussion of Katie Couric's National Geographic television special "Gender Revolution," hosted by the wonderful folks at Runnymede United Church, on March 26. After a wonderful light dinner of gourmet pizzas and salads prepared by their fantastic volunteers, the 90 attendees watched the 90 minute video. The event was emceed by Brenda Whitell, and James Lien provided AV support. Afterward we had a lively panel discussion, with questions answered and personal experiences shared. Our panelists were chosen to represent a variety of different perspectives. [March 2019]
Discussion Panel at Runnymede United Church
NExt Event
We are excited about launching our Social and Well-Being series, and looking for ideas (and volunteers!) for future events. What would you like to see? More movie nights? Games night? Guest speakers? Picnic? Generational Laser Tag? Let us know at!
We are considering what options would work well during the pandemic, when our regular gatherings are not possible.