Pride 2020 is Different, but still happening!

Missing your regular Pride routine for June, and your visits to Toronto Pflag at our annual family brunch and the booth at Pride?

We miss you too! So, we have some special Pride Week events to try to keep the Pride Spirit flowing.

Please check out our EVENTS PAGE, which is where you can ALWAYS go to see what we are up to — Support Meetings, Special Events, and Social activities are all listed there.

Learn about

  • Our new Online Coffee & Mimosa Mingler, on Pride Sunday (June 29)

  • Our ongoing virtual support meetings (two each month, no commute, no parking!)

  • A special Dads Night In conversation group, just for fathers of LGBTQ2S+ folks

  • More events from Pride Toronto, including a

    • Trans Pride Virtual Rally, June 26 1-3pm “Kinder and Stronger together”

    • Special Youth Program , June 26 3-6pm (age 16-29) Queer poetry, art, music & more

    • Virtual Pride Parade Sunday June 28

Love Lives Here Event Touches Hearts

Love Lives Here Event Touches Hearts

Amanda Jetté Knox, author of best-selling book “Love Lives Here,” was invited to read from her inspiring memoir of her family’s journey of love. Joined by her wife Zoe Knox, the two co-presented the opening segment. Amanda read from her book, then with Zoe shared anecdotes expanding on the themes of love, acceptance and respect when faced with navigating trans kids and trans relationships. After sharing incredible stories, they opened up to questions from the audience.

Tell the Minister of Education: Gender Can't Wait til Grade 8!

Have your say! Pflag’s Have Your Say survey confirmed that all across Ontario, people support the 2015 Sex Ed curriculum and feel strongly that kids in elementary schools should hear about families with same sex parents and about gender identity.

The new curriculum moves the introduction of gender identity from Grade 3 to Grade 8. GENDER CAN’T WAIT FOR GRADE EIGHT!

Once again, it’s time to HAVE YOUR SAY! Tell Education Minister Stephen Lecce that we want him to work with Toronto Pflag and the Toronto Trans Coalition Project to make materials available to elementary teachers to introduce these topics earlier!

Toronto Pflag 4th Ally Awards Reception

 Toronto Pflag 4th Ally Awards Reception

Every few years, Toronto Pflag celebrates some amazing people who have shown themselves to be strong allies of the LGBTQ2S+ community, with a special emphasis on helping youth or families. We are delighted to announce that the next Ally Awards on Thursday, October 17th will be hosted by comedic power duo Colin Mochrie & Debra McGrath! See details - including who we will be honouring this year at our Event page.