Trans Parent Day

November 6th was Trans Parent Day, a day first established in 2009 to celebrate and honour transgender parents, in addition to (or in place of) traditional Mother’s or Father’s Day, this day also includes parents who have transgender children.

Pflag volunteers asked Amanda Jetté Knox what Trans Parent Day means to them as a Canadian nonbinary best-selling author who is also a Trans Parent and tells a powerful story of love and acceptance when their child and their spouse transitioned. More recently they also came out as nonbinary themselves.

"Trans Parent Day is an important step in recognizing that both trans people and life outside the binary are normal parts of parenting. Celebrating the act of parenting, rather than specific roles, highlights the actions parents take rather than their gender. No matter who we are, the goal is to love our children unconditionally and support them in being the best version of themselves."

~ Amanda Jetté Knox, (@MavenOfMayhem on Twitter)

For more on Amanda's book Love Lives Here: A Story of Thriving in a Transgender Family here is a book review written by Pflag Parent Giselle.