2021 Lookback

[From the Editor’s Desk]

Twenty Twenty-One was is many ways a long year but in other ways, it passed by in the blink of an eye. Despite the global pandemic continuing to dominate our lives, we must remember that the world continues to turn and the fight for LGBTQ2S+ acceptance moves forward as well.

This past year, we saw many wins for the community, both big and small, that are worth recognizing and celebrating. Just last week, www.dictionary.com made Allyship its word of the year. On the political front, there were countries recognizing same-sex marriage, other countries decriminalizing homosexuality, and conversion therapy was banned in our own backyard. In the world of entertainment, celebrities such as Kal Penn spoke openly about coming out as gay; Jamie Lee Curtis shared her journey in supporting her daughter who came out as trans last year; Demi Lovato shared that they are nonbinary and are using the pronouns they/them. This is only a sliver of the positive headlines from the past year. The list goes on and on (you can look at our Facebook Page if you ever want to stay informed).

All this being said, despite the challenges this year has presented, there are reasons to be positive and optimistic. It is hard to say what the next year will bring. There are signs that we will return to more in person gatherings and we can certainly hope that Pride will be in person. In the meantime, it is important to take care of ourselves, take care of each other, and remember there are lots of great things still happening making the world a bit better for our community.

Upcoming Trans and Non-Binary Program Events at Sherbourne Health

Sherbourne Health is hosting several workshops and sessions aimed at assisting the Trans and Non-Binary community. All events will be held online over zoom.

For information or to register, please email transprograms@sherbourne.on.ca.
Participants will be provided with the event link once they have registered.

Gender Joy: Trans Vocal Exploration
Wednesday, November 17, 6 -8 PM
This 2-hour voice workshop is open to anyone who identifies as trans and/or non-
binary. Led by voice coach Renee Yoxon (they/them), this workshop includes
interactive elements as well as options to work privately.

Information Sessions:
Hormones and Health|Thursday, November 18, 6:30- 8:30 PM
Gender-Related Surgeries|Thursday, November 25, 6:30- 8:30 PM
These information sessions explore hormones and surgeries. These are joint sessions including participants in the current Gender Journeys program as well as those trans and/or non-binary people who are interested.

Surgical Self-Care
begins Wednesday, November 24, 6-8 PM
This practical four-week program presents strategies for managing personal, logistical, physical and emotional needs while undergoing and recovering from gender-related surgeries. Offered in conjunction with clinical practitioners, the program is best for those intending to undergo surgery in the next 6 to 12 months.

Learn more about various programs offered at Sherbourne Health Center

Orange Shirt Day -- Truth and Reconciliation

Orange Shirt Day  -- Truth and Reconciliation

September 30th is now recognized as the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation in Canada. Part of honouring this day is to expand our own learnings about Indigenous experiences in Canada, which includes acknowledging the impact of colonization on the Indigenous People of Canada. The hard reality is that for more than 150 years, children from Indigenous cultures were taken from their families, removed from their homes, and forced to live at mandatory boarding schools under inhumane conditions. Many experienced physical and sexual abuse, and severe punishment if they spoke their own language. This dark chapter has resulted in immeasurable generational trauma, which we must work to acknowledge and repair in order for healing and reconciliation to ever be achieved."

For those of us who are non-Indigenous, the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation is an opportunity to learn and recognize the ongoing work required to better understand Indigenous experiences in Canada and within our LGBTQ2S+ communities. Toronto Pflag is taking this moment to acknowledge the grief and the collective harm enacted on Indigenous peoples; however, as non-Indigenous people we do not have authority to speak on Indigenous issues and identities. With that said, as we include the 2S (Two-spirit) initialism within our LGBTQ2S+ materials, we hope to take this September 30th to broaden learning to better understand Indigenous experiences in Canada, including what it means to be Two-spirit, while recognizing that Two-Spirit identities vary between different Indigenous groups.

Gender Can't Wait Until Grade 8

Gender Can't Wait Until Grade 8

With September comes the start of a new school year. This year looks very different than previous ones with students attending classes either in school or from home. This already complicated situation is exacerbated by the threat of another COVID wave.

And while all of these concerns are real and valid, one thing still in place is the provincial government's 2019 sex-education curriculum. This curriculum was meant to replace the 2015 curriculum of the former government. The positives worth mentioning are that it includes discussions on vaping and opioids. The biggest shortfall of the updated curriculum is the government's decision to move conversations about gender identity to grade 8.

Support Matters

Support Matters

Toronto Pflag provides support in many different ways: we manage peer support groups, we answer individual telephone calls, we do presentations in schools and corporations, and we connect people with resources.

Typically a parent or family member reaches out in a panic, unsure of how to digest and accept the news that their kid is coming out of the closet imminently, if they haven’t done so already. The journey to acceptance is often long and requires a combination of individual conversations, group sessions, education, and lots of empathy. At some point, the parent would feel comfortable enough to stop coming to our peer meetings and we know we did our job of supporting that individual through their initial discomfort.

However, support is often needed long after they stop coming to Toronto Pflag.

Successful! Toronto Pflag Pride Family Event

Successful! Toronto Pflag Pride Family Event

This year's virtual Pride Mingler event for Pflag families featured The ArQuives Queer Trivia program and a pre-recorded musical performance by Chris Tsujiuchi. We had roughly 40 attendees and thanks to the ArQuives trivia, we collectively learned:

  • For the 2020-21 season 360 regular and recurring LGBTQ2+ characters were on TV (Broadcast, Cable, and Streaming)

  • The P in legendary trans activist for LGBT rights Marsha P Johnson's name stands for 'Pay It No Mind', her mantra on gender

  • Items currently held in the ArQuives include…

Pflag Pride Mingler (on Zoom)

Pflag Pride Mingler (on Zoom)

Join Toronto Pflag families, friends and allies on June 27th, 2021, from 10am to 1130am for our Pride Sunday: Morning Mingler, a Pflag Family Event during Toronto Pride Weekend. All welcome! This year's FREE virtual event will feature The ArQuives Queer Trivia program (10:30am), special guests, and a pre-recorded musical performance by Chris Tsujiuchi dedicated to all Pflag families, related and chosen, who stand as allies for LGBTQ2S+ kids and loved ones. Questions? events@torontopflag.org
RSVP to receive Zoom details here: www.bit.ly/PflagMingler