Support for East Asian families of LGBTQ2S+ folks

Toronto Pflag is launching a new pilot program to provide support and education to newcomer LGBTQ2S+ families and/or the East Asian community with language and cultural needs. If you need some cultural-specific information or feel more comfortable talking to someone who is familiar with Asian culture and social expectations, please give us a call at 416-406-6378 and we can arrange for someone to call you back. Alternatively you can email directly to connect. English and Mandarin available.

Toronto Pflag是一個透過支持與教育維護家庭和諧、提倡同志及性少數(LGBTQ2S+)夥伴及家人健康福祉的團體。我們致力於協助多倫多的同志及性少數夥伴在家庭與社群中找到愛與接納。我們現將開啟一項新的試驗計劃,提供新移民的同志及性少數(LGBTQ2S+)家庭,以及/或者東亞社群的成員,符合其語言及文化需求的支持及教育。若您需要一些符合文化特殊性的同志及性少數資訊,或覺得與熟悉亞洲文化及社會期待的夥伴談話較為舒服,請撥打我們的支持專線416-406-6378,我們可為您安排專人電話回覆。或者,直接發電郵到 與我們聯繫,有英文及普通話服務。