It would be nice if JK Rowling could just stop. The fury she has generated through her attacks on trans women must have reached her. She must know. But her heels are dug in and she has now published a new trans-bashing book, “Troubled Blood” where a serial killer is a trans woman.
Of course, JK does not use the term “trans woman” because she believes they are NOT women. She refers to the killer in her book as a transvestite man dressing in women’s clothes and using a female name. And the killer is a serial killer, in real life almost always men killing many women. So, this killer is a cis male, in a dress, killing women. That, in short, is JK’s belief: that trans women are men pretending to be women and a threat to cis women.
She has helped make anti-trans ideology mainstream in the UK and we must do everything we can to stop it from happening here. Boycott JK Rowling. Let’s send her a message she can’t ignore.
We must defend and protect trans women from these ideas. We must declare our steadfast belief that they are our sisters and daughters.
We are women.