Goodbye 2020!

We are near the end of 2020 and I expect we are ready to put it behind us.

Toronto Pflag has had a pretty good year in spite of everything. We have embraced online support and it’s fabulous. We have done workshops in both schools and businesses online successfully and arguably better in some ways. We started to use Blackbaud eTapestry, a cloud fundraising and supporter management tool and are excited by the capabilities it has. (This newsletter will be sent from eTapestry as soon as we can be sure it won’t end up in your junk folder). Dad’s Night is now monthly instead of quarterly and is available online.

We ended the year with a flurry of school workshops – 27 in all - and possibly a Toronto Pflag record. As I write this another 6 schools have contacted us. All of them are elementary and 4 of the 6 are schools we have never visited before. And we have a team of 6 speakers ready to do them. We have never been stronger.

So, 2021 is shaping up to be busy and exciting on every Toronto Pflag front. We can do this because so many of you have said, “Yes”. You volunteered. You came to training. You made a donation. You made it possible for us to push harder and it’s working.

Thank you from all of us and Happy New Year!

