Celebrating National Coming Out Day

This month we celebrate National Coming Out Day, October 11th, a day to recognize and celebrate LGBTQ2S+ persons coming out and finding their place amongst LGBTQ2S+ communities.

Based on the belief that homophobia thrives in an atmosphere of silence and ignorance, it is important to have conversations around visibility, community support, safety, and self-determination.

We cheer alongside those in our communities, no matter where you are in your coming out journey, you are seen, you are loved and valid, just as you are.

Some of our Pflag volunteers shared their own experiences around the topic of Coming Out:

Lisa, (Pflag Parent and Support Committee Lead)
"I had several common responses when one of my 14-year-old twins came out to me as transgender/nonbinary in 2015. Firstly, that they were too young to label themselves. (They weren’t.) I also had an internal response of fear for my kid’s safety, and a sense of isolation because I didn’t know other families like ours. I only knew I wanted to be there for my kid. So, I told my kid that I love them, and nothing would change that!

Although parents can be overwhelmed because there is a lot to learn and fast, I had no idea how much it would fundamentally change how I think. It’s taught me that it’s not necessary to fully understand a person to accept their truth when they offer it to you. We should feel honoured when somebody trusts us enough to share that truth with us. In addition to the joy of seeing my kid come fully into who they are, I’m grateful for this new perspective and for the people who would not be in my life otherwise."

Jaden, (LGBTQ2S+ community member, Pflag volunteer working to develop our support services in different languages)
"People who come from countries with criminalized sexual orientation laws and more stigma attached to 2SLGBTQ+ are less likely to find support from within their own communities. It is imperative that we all create a more inclusive environment for people from diverse cultural backgrounds to share their stories and empower the communities to live with love and safety on National Coming Out Day. We hear from parents regularly asking to speak with other parents from similar cultural backgrounds so they can feel understood and know their children will not be the only 2SLGBTQ+ individuals in their communities. Immigrant parents can also feel lonely and isolated when children come out to them, and it is harder to deal with the conflicts and stress when they have limited knowledge and resources on sexual orientation and gender identities to match their cultural expectations and understanding. "

The 519 Community Centre shared some great tips to remember today on National Coming Out Day:

  • Nobody should feel forced to come out before they are ready.

  • People might be in different phases of their journey. Coming out isn't something that just happens.

  • It is never too late to come out. Do it if and when you feel ready.

  • Lean on your chosen community and surround yourself with a support system. Your safety comes first.

  • Not being able to come out doesn't make you any less queer. You are still loved, and you still belong.

  • Coming out can be an ongoing, never-ending process. We see you. Be kind to yourself.

  • If you are out, questioning, or choosing not to be visible today, we support you.

  • You are loved. You are valid.

Inclusivity Workshops

Back to School - Does Your School Need Education?

A new school year has started. We hope all the kids in the Pflag family are off to a fun and exciting year! If you think your kiddo's school could use some more acceptance and inclusion to enable an even better experience for your child on the rainbow, or their friends, then perhaps it's time for a FREE Toronto Pflag Education Workshop! We have age appropriate presentations for Grades 2-12, but also do workshops for teachers/staff and for parent groups. Topics include gender identity, sexual orientation, coming out, bullying, and allyship. Presentations vary in length by grade level, and we hold great Q&A sessions. Discussion guides for teachers are also available.

Toronto Pflag is an official Toronto District School Board partner. We're happy to present virtually to any school, but we must be invited by the school. Please have a member of the staff or administration contact us through filling out this form on our website. And remember, our school workshops are ABSOLUTELY FREE!

Would you like your workplace to be more accepting and inclusive?

On average, we spend roughly 35% of our waking hours working. To have good morale, and be effective, and productive for those long hours, queer and trans/enby people, their families, and loved ones need their workplaces to be accepting and inclusive.
If you are trying to make your workplace more accepting, then Toronto Pflag can help! We do virtual workshops for corporations, non-profits, and other organizations. Topics include allyship, parenting, and trans/nonbinary inclusion, and our sessions always include Q&A . We do charge for workplace workshops, but our fees are reasonable, and support our ongoing work. If your organization is interested, please have them contact us through this form on our website.

Support for East Asian families of LGBTQ2S+ folks

Toronto Pflag is launching a new pilot program to provide support and education to newcomer LGBTQ2S+ families and/or the East Asian community with language and cultural needs. If you need some cultural-specific information or feel more comfortable talking to someone who is familiar with Asian culture and social expectations, please give us a call at 416-406-6378 and we can arrange for someone to call you back. Alternatively you can email jaden@torontopflag.org directly to connect. English and Mandarin available.

Toronto Pflag是一個透過支持與教育維護家庭和諧、提倡同志及性少數(LGBTQ2S+)夥伴及家人健康福祉的團體。我們致力於協助多倫多的同志及性少數夥伴在家庭與社群中找到愛與接納。我們現將開啟一項新的試驗計劃,提供新移民的同志及性少數(LGBTQ2S+)家庭,以及/或者東亞社群的成員,符合其語言及文化需求的支持及教育。若您需要一些符合文化特殊性的同志及性少數資訊,或覺得與熟悉亞洲文化及社會期待的夥伴談話較為舒服,請撥打我們的支持專線416-406-6378,我們可為您安排專人電話回覆。或者,直接發電郵到 jaden@torontopflag.org 與我們聯繫,有英文及普通話服務。

Celebrate Pride with Toronto Pflag!

Celebrate Pride with Toronto Pflag!
  • Fri June 24 - Pride Weekend: Trans Community Fair, Trans March & Trans Cheering Station (In-Person)

  • Sat June 25 & Sun June 26 - Pride Weekend: Street fair Booth (In-Person)

  • Sun June 26 - Pride Weekend: Toronto Pflag Pride Family Brunch (In-Person)

See more info about all of these Pride events!

  • Sun June 26 - Marching in the Pride Parade with Toronto Pflag

Monthly Transfemme and Nonbinary Support Meeting

Monthly Transfemme and Nonbinary Support Meeting

Are you an 18+ trans woman, transfeminine individual, or nonbinary person looking for support? Are you questioning or exploring your gender identity? Do you have questions about coming out to partners, family and friends, coming out at work, social transition, medical and legal transition? Are you looking for community and a place to discuss your trans experience during the pandemic? Toronto Pflag's new transfeminine and nonbinary virtual support group may be for you!

The group will be a trans and nonbinary safe space, facilitated by trans feminine folx. It will be held on the third Thursday of each month, from 7:00-9:30 pm.

Please email: transfem.enby@torontopflag.org to register, or for more information.

A trans Pflag volunteer’s thoughts on the number and speed of trans kids coming out

We often hear from parents whose children have just come out as trans or nonbinary that they are shocked and there were no signs. They sometimes worry that their child was influenced by friends or social media. There seems to be so many more kids coming out as trans (and adults too!). These worries have increased during the pandemic with children spending more time online.